leading the design and build out of a decommissioned ferry boat :: the largest component of a three day private event :: accompanied by many great artists working on their own installations, the ship was built out by a small team :: lead by myself and mrs katie lobel :: build crew :: ryan cheresson, ank turnbull, pablo powers, jean barbaris, jesse pearlstien, wilson keithline, boxer fenimore, takao shiraishi, jp rogue pokes && a few others :: along side beau burrows && his team :: dave rife, gabe liberti :: w// artists :: takao shiraishi, jr, prune nourry, swoon, oliver jeffers, duke riley, jon morris, serra victoria bothwell fels, rob hite, marc azouley, justin bettman, connie hawkaday, yan friesh, robert montgomery, vinny deponto, jose parla, claudia, ariel derris, chicken hut crew, tim shumacher, lindsay arden ++ sextantworks = nd austin & ida benedetto for overseeing the overall management of the project and three day event && the greatest person to ever live; myric lehner