:: blackwater :: && dark before dawn - bar and tattoo parlor :: made with Rogue Pokes, Victoria Jacklyn and Ereka :: w// help from Boxer && Angelica :: our apothecary parlor // bar centered on inked reminders of self diagnosed ailments && maladies designed by Victoria :: Jacklyn conducted psychic surgery to further remove any unwanted blockage :: guests would self diagnose themselves with the ailments that highlighted common personality flaws hidden by the traits we celebrate. guests would either select a small tattoo that would represent the awareness of this flaw or partake the psychic surgery to have that flaw symbolically removed ::
birthday for marc azoulay // coal refinery rooftop bar
fluffy pony // icelandic shipwreck saloon
Speakeasy inside a german bunker on the beaches of normandy ::
small speakeasy :: days prior to these units being demolished :: w// ND Austin && Industry City Distillery ::
echo vault // 2nd avenue subway by jeff stark ((mainly logistics and safety :: built a weird mirrored foldable bar with a mannequin hand holding a candle :: no development))
jackpin // elevator shaft speakeasy by ND Austin ((basic build && event management night of))